Sunday, May 16, 2021 - Lee Odom, reeds

Lee Odom’s instrumental spectrum includes the clarinet, alto and soprano saxophones, and flute. She is a composer, band leader, whose musical spectrum includes gospel, free improved music, jazz, R&B, and classical.

Lee has worked on selected virtual service projects for Canaan Baptist Church in Harlem and the Mt. Zion AME church Bronx as sound engineer. Lee was commissioned as Producer/Director for the first virtual production of Joseph Daley's “Colorations Explorations,” performed by the Dance Clarinets and directed by JD Parran. 

Lee has performed with many outstanding groups and musicians such as Don Byron, JD Parran, The Karl Berger Improv Orchestra, Canaan Baptist Church Music Ministry, 12 Houses Free Improv, the Makanda Project Boston, MA, and UpSurge NY poetry ensemble. Lee Odom also performs as band leader, with Sweet Lee Music, performing at various venues and festivals throughout New York, Boston, & Connecticut.